The Bioinformatics Core Unit (BCU) supports the research groups at the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR) with computational and statistical services. We focus our research interests on the genetics and biology of cancer with a major emphasis on lymphomas and epithelial cancers, such as prostate, breast and ovarian cancer. Importantly, more than just a supporting role, we proactively identify and develop novel bioinformatics projects that can complement and in many cases drive our biologic research.
Core facility activities
In addition to supporting the research groups at the Institute of Oncology Research (IOR) with computational and statistical services, we develop innovative data analysis tools, visualization software and database resources for genomics research in collaboration with the Dalle Molle Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA) and the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
Here are some of the key services we provide:
- System Biology
- Biostatistics
- Drug resistance
- Machine Learning
- Transcriptomics
- Multi-omics data integration